%0 Thesis %9 Master %A Dewi, Sahat July Tirta %D 2013 %F theses_frw:1130 %T TOWARDS ADAPTIVE FOREST GOVERNANCE ACCORDING TO SOCIAL-ECOLOGICAL SYSTEMS RESILIENCE (Study case: The Mount Pancar Nature Tourism Park) %U https://frw.studenttheses.ub.rug.nl/1130/ %X Regarding the Social-Ecological System (SES) research, authors such as Ostrom (2010) called for further research about core attributes of SES in forestry field. This research was done to address this academic challenge, through the exploration of a case study, the Mount Pancar Nature Tourism Park (NTP). The aim of this thesis is to analyze the processes and critical factors of adaptive forest governance, strengthening the SES resilience. The governance structure and function of the park changed. It affects SES component, which is public infrastructure provider system entity. Because of the change, attributes of governance, such as social justice and organizational features (polycentric and multilayered), are essential to be developed in current management. Governance system is possible to be adaptive, because it has adaptive capacities. Towards the park resilience, there are critical factors needed for transforming existing governance system to be adaptive, which are leadership, network, common understanding and (adaptive) institution.