@phdthesis{theses_frw114, title = {Circular Infrastructure; Re-thinking the way we plan things?}, year = {2015}, author = {F.J. Schuit}, url = {https://frw.studenttheses.ub.rug.nl/114/}, abstract = {The concept of Circular Economy (CE) is gaining more attention as an alternative for the linear production systems and the increasing industrialism and consumption that affects the environment. The main idea of a CE is to alter linear systems with systems in which materials are reused and so a closed-loop systems evolves. In this thesis the concept of CE is investigated in relation with the construction and infrastructure sector. These sectors have traditionally a huge impact on the environment and perhaps CE can function as a solution to alter this. A SWOT-analysis of CE is given and the current state of the transition is described. This is followed by an analysis of possible strategies and approaches that the Dutch government can take to further develop the transition towards the implementation of CE in construction and infrastructure.} }