%D 2014 %X The intent of this research is to determine what kind of relationship exists between economic progress and demographic development in the economic transition countries of Central and Eastern Europe and the role contextual factors play in mediating this relationship. To achieve this, the overall replacement ratio (ORR) method has been applied to determine the population replacement dynamics for a select group of countries, particularly by observing the changes in female cohort replacement. These changes are then compared with the respective changes in GDP per capita using a linear regression analysis. The main findings suggest that higher income leads to higher cohort replacement levels in time. The opposite holds for countries which have struggled to meet sufficient economic standards throughout the transition period from a centralised economy to a free market. Still, the economic-demographic relationship is diversified by the respective historical, regional, ethnic, linguistic and geopolitical circumstances or predispositions. %L theses_frw1239 %A J.H. Grigorova %T Dynamics of Cohort Replacement in the Transition Economies of Central and Eastern Europe