%T Coming soon (?): Adaptivity in Dutch planning. Examining the adaptive capacity of the Dutch Environmental Planning Act (Omgevingswet) of 2021. %A Jelmer Cnossen %L theses_frw1377 %D 2019 %X In 2021 the Environmental Planning Act (EPA) is planned to come into effect. Important aspects are flexibility, simplification, and participation. In this thesis urban areas are regarded as Complex Adaptive Systems. Such systems benefit from an improved capacity to adapt (adaptive capacity) to stresses and strains from within the system itself or its environment. This thesis attempts to answer the following main research question: How does the Dutch EPA provide conditions for adaptive capacity in Dutch municipalities? The EPA, including its rules and tools, was examined in detail and four experts were interviewed. The data was analysed by employing an adapted version of the Adaptive Capacity Wheel by Gupta et al. (2010). The main strengths of the EPA in terms of adaptive capacity creation lie in its many options for implementation of measures and permitting activities, demanding participation, and having a transparent and accessible online/digital system.