%T Het bewustmaken van studenten hun invloed op de beperkte toegankelijkheid voor mindervaliden in de binnenstad van Groningen %A Koen de Groote %X This thesis is about creating awareness among cycling students about the limited accessibility for disabled people in the centre of Groningen. Their cycling behaviour is a disturbing factor for disabled people. Students violate traffic rules and park their bicycle in an annoyinw way. Cycling bahaviour is unconcious behaviour and three methods were applied to change this unconcious behaviour: nudging, stronger enforcement and campaigns. In this research became clear that not one method is the best, but a combination of these methods. Therefore, you have to approach people who have not already learnt their ''cycling behaviour''. So, new students have to be approached and learn ''good'' behaviour. Some nudging methods, as drawing lines, a parking ban and signes to parking areas for bicycles can be helpful %D 2019 %L theses_frw1403