@phdthesis{theses_frw1502, author = {Umara Maharani}, year = {2013}, title = {THE CHANCE OF BETTER IMPLEMENTATION OF DECENTRALIZATION PRACTICE, Study Case: Green Open Space Management in Medan City, Indonesia}, url = {https://frw.studenttheses.ub.rug.nl/1502/}, abstract = {In this thesis, the discussion will be about the relationship between green open space and decentralization practice in Medan City, Indonesia. Medan City was chosen because of the fact that it is one of big cities in Indonesia, and the fact that the green open space in this city is decreasing. This research is aimed to identify how the local government practices decentralization in managing green open space and how the decentralized system can influence the condition of green open space. Besides, this research will also identify the relation between the local government and the central government, and also the problem they face related to decentralization in the local level. These problems are important to be identified, because in the decentralization practice there are not only intended consequences, but also risks or unintended consequences, especially related to environmental issues, in this case green open space.} }