%0 Thesis %9 Bachelor %A van der Spek, S.M. %D 2018 %F theses_frw:1564 %T The relationship between migration flows and ageing populations across Europe %U https://frw.studenttheses.ub.rug.nl/1564/ %X This research will look at the relationship between migration flows and the aging population across Europe. The relationship is explored by the means of the Pearson's correlation. The results of the analysis show that there is no correlation between the MER and net migration per 1.000 inhabitants, and the population 65 years and over. However, there is a negative correlation between the variables gross- and inflow migration. On the other hand, there is a negative correlation as well between the outflow migration and the population 65 years and above. Besides, there is a geographical pattern visible in the ageing populations across Europe. This pattern does not match with the pattern of migration flows in Europe.