@phdthesis{theses_frw1634, year = {2018}, title = {Quality of employment, income and poor health: Geographical inequalities in Barcelona}, author = {J{\'u}lia Pons}, url = {https://frw.studenttheses.ub.rug.nl/1634/}, abstract = {Background. Evidence on health-effects regarding quality of employment is limited because there is no consensus on how to measure it and there is not enough data to represents its territorial distribution. The aim of this study is to provide an approximation through a multi-dimensional approach of the quality of employment and to represent how it is distributed among the districts of the city of Barcelona. Method. A cross-sectional sample of 1,739 salaried and independent workers from the Health Survey of Barcelona of 2016 was used. Mental health was assessed using Goldberg 12 items and general health by means of self-perceived health status. Results. In logistic regressions models adjusting for sex, age and nationality, all the quality of employment clusters were significantly associated with mental and self-related health. Conclusions. A strong polarization of quality of employment, economic level and health status is present among the districts of Barcelona.} }