%X The importance of equitable TOD is gaining momentum to provide social benefit for all groups of community. Gentrification and displacement sometimes takes place as consequences of new development change from the increasing of property and housing prices near transit station, or the neighborhood change due to the socio-demographhic change of transit community. Surabaya is experiencing gradual economic growth with gaps of income disparity, following the issue of community gentrification and displacement the existing low-income settlements surrounding transit area. Due to the complex and unpredictable behavior of actors within transit development project, institutional arrangements (formal/informal institutions) are crucial to foster coordination/partnership between stakeholders to achieve equitable TOD (Lane, 2017). Qualitative research method was adopted to frame Surabaya as single case studies, complemented with examples from worlwide transit cities to help framing social issues of TOD, roles of actors and how fomal rules and informal norms take place to achieve equitable TOD. %A E. S. Rahmasari %L theses_frw1670 %D 2019 %T Institutional Arrangements to Achieve quitable Transit Oriented Development (Case Study: Surabaya, Indonesia)