@phdthesis{theses_frw1778, year = {2018}, title = {Facilitating Private Gardens to Reduce Pluvial Flooding in the City of Groningen}, author = {J.J. Bouma}, url = {https://frw.studenttheses.ub.rug.nl/1778/}, abstract = {The increase in short but intense rainfall and the increase in the use of impermeable surface cause excessive runoff in the form of pluvial flooding, which causes water on the streets, flooded tunnels and basements. By decreasing the use of impermeable surface in private gardens, citizens can contribute to decrease the chances of pluvial flooding. However, citizens are not always aware of the problem and solutions, or willing to act. By engaging citizens, the municipality can work together with its citizens to find solutions that do not only have positive impact on the individual level, but also on a social level. This type of engagement can be described as the governance form of co-production, where the municipality has a facilitating role, supporting its citizens in the process of taking measures to decrease the chance of pluvial flooding.} }