%0 Thesis %9 Bachelor %A Geurtsen, Y. %D 2019 %F theses_frw:1820 %T MaaS – How it can replace the (private) car in the Northern Netherlands %U https://frw.studenttheses.ub.rug.nl/1820/ %X There is a need for more sustainable transportation in the future. Because cars are polluting and public transport is not always viable on the countryside, there is a need for other modes of transport in rural areas. Here, MaaS can play an important role. With the use of technology and subscriptions, people can car-free move from A to B, making use of different modes of transport at once. It becomes clear that the current public transport lines can form a backbone for MaaS in rural areas. Smart transportation solutions will then cover the so-called first and last mile towards and from a public transport stop. Next to that, it is shown that public-private partnerships are the most ideal development scenario for MaaS-projects, since it can save costs for the public sector.