%L theses_frw1844 %X Marine ecosystems are undergoing dramatic modifications in structure and function. Causal factors are largely attributed to sector-based sea-use planning practice. In this thesis, a new perspective on the marine space as a complex adaptive system is proposed; concepts of the systems theory are employed to analyse the transition towards place-based modes of governance. This holistic perception emphasises issues of uncertainty that may be difficult to address from the perspective of a single sea-use planning programme. Providing an analytic framework for comparative qualitative research, a case study on the sea-use planning framework of Israel was carried out. Several barriers to the transition were identified with regard to both technical and relational qualities of social learning processes. It is demonstrated how such insight could translate into strategic prevention of user-user and user-environment conflicts. %D 2016 %T Sea-Use Planning as a Complex Adaptive System in Transition: the Case of Israel's Mediterranean Marine Space %A Eyal Bigal