eprintid: 2022 rev_number: 1 eprint_status: archive userid: 1 dir: disk0/00/00/20/22 datestamp: 2020-04-23 05:34:23 lastmod: 2020-04-23 05:34:23 status_changed: 2020-04-23 05:34:23 type: thesis metadata_visibility: show creators_name: Klapwijk, A title: What are the determinants of loss given default for commercial real estate loans? ispublished: pub full_text_status: public abstract: Whereas previous research examined defaulted commercial real estate loans and hence the point-in-time loss given default, this paper is the first to examine downturn loss given default for healthy as well as defaulted commercial real estate loans from healthy Dutch banks. Using confidential loan-level data provided by the Dutch Central Bank, this paper shows that borrower and loan characteristics are strong determinants of downturn loss given default. More importantly, the results shows that the downturn loss given default of the collateral type is dependent on the location of the collateral. Thus, heterogeneity should be taken in to account. date: 2017 date_type: published thesis_type: master degree_programme: VG tutors_name: Liu, X tutors_name: Vlist, A. van der tutors_name: Nijskens, R keywords_local: Bank Loans keywords_local: Commercial Real Estate keywords_local: Loss Given Default keywords_local: Credit Risk language_iso: en titleorder: What are the determinants of loss given default for commercial real estate loans? dbi: 59649e76391c2 imported_item: yes date_of_import: 2020-04-22 imported_from: http://scripties.frw.eldoc.ub.rug.nl/root/ma/VG/2017/aklapwijk/ import_source_file: theses-frw-20200422132455-59649e76391c2.xml date_issued: 2017-01-01 description_company: De Nederlandsche Bank citation: Klapwijk, A (2017) What are the determinants of loss given default for commercial real estate loans? Master thesis. document_url: https://frw.studenttheses.ub.rug.nl/2022/1/Final_Master_Thesis_Ashley_Klapwijk.pdf