@phdthesis{theses_frw2144, title = {Towards a circular municipality}, author = {V.H. Schoute}, year = {2018}, url = {https://frw.studenttheses.ub.rug.nl/2144/}, abstract = {Circular economic principles are increasingly implemented in policies of Dutch municipalities. The circular economy is an overarching concept of several tools that aim to decline the use of raw materials with acknowledging and extending the value of materials. It appears to be difficult for municipalities to implement circular economic policies within existing institutional policies because of the novelty of the concept and complex decisions that have to be made. This study investigates which circular economic policies could be implemented within the exiting institutional policies of the municipality of Groningen to contribute to the transition towards the circular economy. Suggestions from public and private actors are collected to formulate these policies. For this research the municipality of Groningen was selected to perform a case study. Two focus group discussions were organised to collect data and two interviews were held to reflect on the results from the focus group discussion.} }