@phdthesis{theses_frw2247, author = {Mariska Everts}, year = {2013}, title = {Involvement of local residents in Dutch Coastal Zone Management: Creating opportunities for participation in the design and management of the coast of Groningen?}, url = {https://frw.studenttheses.ub.rug.nl/2247/}, abstract = {Coastal zone management in the Netherlands is seen as a very important issue. Coastal defences that are not at a certain level can result in a dike breach, which has major consequences for a large region. Because of the importance of guaranteeing safety, coastal zone management has been a government task for many years. The past couple of years a change within coastal zone management is visible, partly due to the new Delta Program which approaches coastal zone management in a more integral way. This change towards a more integrated coastal zone management creates opportunities for the future, both for the improvement of the coastal region as well as the chance to involve the local residents more. This study investigates the ways in which local residents can participate within coastal zone management. It also examines the amount of support for participation from both governments and local residents.} }