%A V.D. Popma %T Towards hydrogen in mobility in the city of Groningen %L theses_frw2296 %X Hydrogen in mobility is an upcoming phenomenon and could be of help to solve environmental problems, by reducing greenhouse gas emissions. In this thesis, the impact of hydrogen in mobility in the city of Groningen is studied. According to the experts that were interviewed, already existing infrastructure and facilities as fuel stations need alterations, but it is realistic to expect that the required actions are feasible in the near future. Due to the lack of law and regulation regarding hydrogen, standardisation is difficult to achieve, although it is needed to upscale hydrogen use. In the city of Groningen, the perception of people towards hydrogen in mobility is expected to be overall positive when informed properly about the possibilities of hydrogen as a fuel. This thesis concludes that the spatial impact of a hydrogen economy in mobility will be relatively limited since existing infrastructure in Groningen can be used. %D 2020