@phdthesis{theses_frw2304, year = {2014}, title = {Inter-local Government Cooperation in Transport Authority: Case study Jabodetabek Region}, author = {S. Choerudin}, abstract = {Facing the great transport problems, the metropolitan area needs a collective action. Therefore, the institutional arrangement in dealing with inter-local government cooperation of regional transport governance is an interesting topic of transport-governance related research. By aiming in understanding of building the new authority in the phenomenon of inter-local government cooperation and its particular impact on metropolitan transport planning and management, this study uses Jabodetabek region as a case study. The analysis shows that there are specific conflicts of inter-jurisdictional cooperation in Jabodetabek political situation and regulatory framework are the main barriers in creating regional authority in Jabodetabek metropolitan area. In conclusion, this research confirms that building new transport authority is a highly cost action. It needs law certainty, the in line political drive among stakeholders and good financial supports. To cope with the issue, it needs a further understanding on relation of these factors with institutional design in metropolitan area.}, url = {https://frw.studenttheses.ub.rug.nl/2304/} }