%T Green Roof Motives: Assessing the Drivers in Green Roof Adoption %A Y. D. Boomsma %L theses_frw2365 %D 2016 %X Green roofs are a no regret measure that can help mitigate the harmful effects of climate change. This thesis aims to explain what motivates people to construct green roofs and assesses the influence of third parties (eg: municipality and acquaintances) in their choice. Background factors such as years of education and homeownership were found to be good 'predictors' of green roof ownership. The majority of the respondents had HBO or WO degrees and were the owners of the houses they lived in. Social pressure was found to have little effect. The municipal green roof subsidy program on the other hand was deemed more important. Without it, half of the people who participated in the survey would not have gotten a green roof.