%T Peace Tourism at a Dark Site: Emotional experiences in Hiroshima %A J.J. Meijer %D 2016 %L theses_frw2394 %X This study contributes critical understandings regarding emotional experiences of peace tourism to dark places in Hiroshima, especially the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum. To explore tourists’ emotional experiences, I draw on the concepts of dark tourism, peace tourism and emotional geographies. I have employed qualitative research methods, namely in-depth interviews, participant observation and autoethnography. Three main themes have emerged from my study. First, I contend that peace education is embedded in tourism practices and enmeshed with emotions when visiting traumatic places. This results in tourism experiences through which awareness is raised for world peace. Second, I argue that tourists experience shocking emotions when being confronted with the dark exhibits on display. Third, I argue for the importance of emotional experiences and lasting feeling in tourism. I conclude that the act of travelling to and emotionally experiencing dark sites in Hiroshima positively contribute to tourist’s critical thinking about war and peace.