%D 2019 %X After the most recent municipal election the tram is a subject that can be spoken about again in Groningen. In 2012, the city abandoned its plans to reintroduce a tram just before construction would start. This research tries to find out what the chances are that a tram would be reintroduced in Groningen today. This is done by looking at the general advantages and disadvantages of a tram and by diving into the developments that are specific to contemporary Groningen. Mixed interviews are used to explore these developments with specialists, civil servants and politicians. The research will show that the current developments in Groningen do not evidently lead to a reintroduction of a tram. However, this does not at all mean that reintroducing a tram in Groningen is impossible. %A P.J. Ytsma %T The feasibility of a tram in Groningen %L theses_frw245