@phdthesis{theses_frw2471, title = {ROLE OF STAKEHOLDER INVOLVEMENT IN IMPLEMENTING BUS RAPID TRANSIT (CASE STUDY OF BOGOTA, JAKARTA, AND YOGYAKARTA)}, year = {2013}, author = {Kurnianto Bima Hendarto}, abstract = {Government of Yogyakarta develops Bus Rapid Transit (BRT), namely TransJogja, to fulfill the increasing need of transportation following the increasing citizen income. However, the government faces technical and social challenges which affect TransJogja?s reliability. In order to solve those complex situations, the government needs other stakeholders and learns from other cities? experiences that have implemented BRT. This thesis uses Bogota and Jakarta?s experience as the object of comparison. Literature review was used to collect data about BRT elements and stakeholder involvement mapping to understand stakeholder?s interest and contribution in the BRT development. The results show that Bogota, Jakarta, and Yogyakarta involve different stakeholders due to differences in their local challenges. Consequently, each city has different stage in current BRT implementation. Every city has similar collaborative type of decision making process although the degree of collaboration is different. Some of recommendation to improve TransJogja?s stakeholder involment will also be presented.}, url = {https://frw.studenttheses.ub.rug.nl/2471/} }