@phdthesis{theses_frw2565, author = {V.J de Vegt}, title = {Fostering Age-Friendly Rural Communities in the North of the Netherlands}, year = {2018}, url = {https://frw.studenttheses.ub.rug.nl/2565/}, abstract = {This research is an exploratory case study into three of the eight WHO domains of age-friendliness. Namely: Housing, Civic Participation \& Employment and Community Support \& Health Services. Each domain has been analyzed through three indicators. Through interviews, survey?s and a document analysis it became evident that most of the indicators are valid after slight modification. These modified indicators can be used to further improve the age-friendliness. Expanding age-friendliness in the municipality is currently limited by both municipal and national policies. As well as limited citizen participation. Age-friendliness can be improved by addressing the conflicting policies regarding housing in order to stimulate more age-friendly homes and home modifications. Civic participation improved through focusing on stimulating intrinsically motivating initiatives amongst residents. Community support \& Health Services can develop by aiding in the creation of community based care initiatives. While at the same time stimulating cooperation between formal and informal-care providers.} }