@phdthesis{theses_frw2569, year = {2012}, title = {Lessons learned: participation in Indonesian irrigation projects}, author = {E.P. Hofman}, url = {https://frw.studenttheses.ub.rug.nl/2569/}, abstract = {There is widespread support in academics for the idea of participatory irrigation management. Since 1999 a shift has taken place in Indonesia from central government steering to regional governance, accompanied by a growth of public participation. Since 2004 this trend has entered the irrigation sector. Participatory programmes are however frequently unsuccessful, and new programmes needlessly repeat the mistakes of the past. Clarity about the critical success factors of the implementation of participation in irrigation is therefore necessary. Several lessons can be learnt concerning the critical success and failure factors of participatory irrigation management. The most important issue is that the responsibilities of the different government bodies become clear, and that preferably one single agency is dedicated to the participation of farmers. Participation of farmers should not mean the withdrawal of the government, and the government should continuously guide the farmers and WUAs in their activities.} }