%T Evaluating the contribution of New Urbansim strategies on a Metropolitan Re-Structuring Proposal: The case of Santiago de Chile %X The thesis Evaluating the contribution of New Urbansim strategies on a Metropolitan Re-Structuring Proposal: The case of Santiago de Chile explores the current planning framework for Chile and the MAS in particular. Starting by a descriptive analysis of the MAS and its planning framework the research goals and contributions are defined as the creation of a ‘how to’ framework to apply New Urbanism tools in order to achieve regenerative and catalyzing plans for metropolises. In order to achieve such goals first the New Urbanism tools are described and additional perspectives are described in order to front the MAS’s fragmentation and urban issues. Following, the national planning hierarchy is analyzed and the different approaches are exposed, sectorial and all policy making levels are analyzed as single parts and as part of a complex planning system revealing the integration issues and the gaps in the current framework. %A Sebastian Hudson Correa %D 2015 %L theses_frw2704