%X Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) is an instrument for evaluating environmental consequences at an early stage of decision making and it appears to complete the Environmental Impact Assessment. One of the challenges of SEA implementation is capacity development. Capacity development is the process of enhancing capacity which focuses on improvements not only on individual dimension but also on the organizational and system dimension. The conceptual model in this thesis is useful for finding the shortages of existing capacity development and also acquiring solution for improvement. Indonesia as a developing country already implemented SEA for several years including the capacity development of SEA. However, the research on this topic is still limited. Therefore, this thesis will explore capacity development of SEA in Indonesia and using Banten Province as a case study. In addition, it discusses international experiences from The Netherlands and Macedonia as lessons-learned via possible policy transfer %A Tajuddin %A M. Endin %L theses_frw2788 %D 2013 %T Exploring Capacity Development of Strategic environmental Assessment (SEA) in Indonesia, Case Study: SEA in Banten Province