%L theses_frw2931 %D 2011 %X This research explores the implication of the globalization and modernity process upon the Balinese young adult’s attachment to places, through their perspectives about the meaningful and important places in their everyday-life. It is argued that through the development of tourism industry in Bali, which represents the globalization and modernity process in opening access of Bali to a wider world, the modern notion of organizing places is appeared. Further, this disruption is assumed to influence the way of Balinese young adults give meaning to their day-to-day-places and how they attach to such places. This eruption of indigenous Balinese conceptions of places is assumed to render to the cumulative alteration of Balinese individual ways of life nowadays. This research employs a grounded theory approach and various qualitative data collection methods, namely: Photo-elicitation, semi-structured interviews, and participatory-observation are conducted to gain access to Balinese’s perception about places they consider meaningful/important in their everyday-life. %T The Place-Attachment of Balinese Young Adults: An Exploration of Meaning of Everyday-Life Places in a Globalizing World %A S.I. Pasaribu