@phdthesis{theses_frw2936, title = {Improving the quality of urban life in waterfront area through redesigning public open space Lesson Learned from Rotterdam Waterfront to Reclamation Area in Manado, Indonesia}, year = {2012}, author = {Amanda.S Sembel}, abstract = {This research explores what important aspects to develop a high quality of public open space in waterfront area to improve the quality of life. In order to get a clear understanding, the research examines the provision of public open space in waterfronts area by taking examples from two cities: Rotterdam (the Netherlands) and Manado (Indonesia). Based on the theoretical review and from Rotterdam experiences in public open space (re)development, there are several criteria in developing public open space that could be followed and become a lesson learned for Manado. The criteria are: a) following the guidelines and fulfilling the components of public open space, b) refer to the spatial planning system, regulations and policy of public open space, c) roles of actors who involved in public open space development and d) management of public open space.}, url = {https://frw.studenttheses.ub.rug.nl/2936/} }