eprintid: 2995 rev_number: 1 eprint_status: archive userid: 1 dir: disk0/00/00/29/95 datestamp: 2020-04-23 05:45:48 lastmod: 2020-04-23 05:45:48 status_changed: 2020-04-23 05:45:48 type: thesis metadata_visibility: show creators_name: Boersma, F. title: Urban and Rural Holiday Behavior ispublished: pub full_text_status: public abstract: In this research, the urban is compared with the rural based on holiday behavior. Rotterdam represents the urban while the region of Salland (Overijssel) represents the rural. 109 questionnaires were taken in total. The holiday behavior itself is based on different aspects such as lifestyle, preferred (landscape) elements, frequency and company, destination, accommodation and transport. Findings include that urban residents do more often go on holiday than rural residents to escape the everyday life. Urban residents value culture higher; rural residents value recreational activities higher in a preferred holiday location. Urban residents more often go by plane, travel more to places outside europe and use the hotel more often. Rural residents travel more by car, consume their holiday more often within the Netherlands and use the camping's more often as accommodation. No differences were found in the urban/rural lifestyle, preferred landscape elements and company. date: 2017 date_type: published thesis_type: bachelor degree_programme: SGP tutors_name: Silveira Brito, M. tutors_name: Strijker, D. keywords_local: Holiday keywords_local: Rural keywords_local: Urban keywords_local: Behavior language_iso: en titleorder: Urban and Rural Holiday Behavior dbi: 59772fbac855f imported_item: yes date_of_import: 2020-04-22 imported_from: http://scripties.frw.eldoc.ub.rug.nl/root/ba/SGP/2017/fboersma/ import_source_file: theses-frw-20200422132455-59772fbac855f.xml date_issued: 2017-01-01 citation: Boersma, F. (2017) Urban and Rural Holiday Behavior. Bachelor thesis. document_url: https://frw.studenttheses.ub.rug.nl/2995/1/Scriptie_inclusief_supervisors_1.pdf