@phdthesis{theses_frw3029, title = {The Role of Local Community in Urban Farming in Jakarta}, year = {2015}, author = {Linggar Purbojati}, abstract = {Urban farming is developed by the society through bottom-up approach. However, in East and Southeast Asia countries the urban farming communities work independently and barely acknowledged by the government. Therefore, this research aimed to analyse the role of local communities and the relationship between the communities with urban farming practitioners that leads to sustainable urban farming. The result shows that urban farming communities act as a bridge that connects urban residents with agricultural knowledge. Moreover, the use of social media as a way to engage urban residents in urban farming practice is proven quite successful to initiate the establishment of urban farm and maintain its sustainability through constant virtual interaction. The constant information exchange is believed able to trigger innovation of a more effective urban farming practices. However, support from the government is needed to secure the availability of land for urban farming in the middle of urban land competition.}, url = {https://frw.studenttheses.ub.rug.nl/3029/} }