%D 2012 %X This study focuses on mechanisms that could influence affordable housing delivery in American cities. A lack of affordable housing units is a main problem in American cities, since there exist a gap between the housing prices and people’s ability to pay for it. Various mechanisms have been analyzed, whereby the lack of a permanent financial source, the current regulatory framework and the existence of NIMBY resistance are designated as mechanisms that could influence affordable housing delivery in American cities. In order to overcome the affordable housing gap, a permanent financial source, regulatory enforcement tools and additionally educating officials and citizens to decrease the affordable housing stigma are recommended. Since affordable housing is a regional issue, the problem could be best addressed on a regional level instead of a local level in order to challenge the affordable housing problem in a sustainable way. %T How different mechanisms influence affordable housing delivery in American cities. A case study analysis in Orange County, California, USA. %L theses_frw3102 %A S.M. Smid