@phdthesis{theses_frw3162, year = {2014}, author = {Yovi Dzulhijjah Rahmawati}, title = {Understanding Self-Organization, Urban Transformation, and the Spatial Planning System in Greater Jakarta Area, Indonesia}, url = {https://frw.studenttheses.ub.rug.nl/3162/}, abstract = {Globalization has stimulated the emergence of self-organizing process in Greater Jakarta?s civil society through their self-interventions, beyond the government control. Gradually, this self-organization encourages the urban development process at macro level. The urban development phenomena occur in a non-linear transition, and cause the emergence of new pattern of urban morphological and function through the urban land-use change. The urban land-use change phenomena stimulate an urban transformation process. According to the explanation and analysis results, we found that the urban transformation causes the reality out there to grow more complex. This growing reality makes uncertainty in the future is hard to be predicted. This situation leads the planners to implement a ?creative? spatial planning system that can deal with the non-linear transition process in the urban transformation. The spatial planning system in Greater Jakarta tends to implement the semi technical rationality approach to cope with the reality.} }