@phdthesis{theses_frw32, author = {M. Alma}, year = {2017}, title = {Perceptions of Organic Farming and its Relationship with the Rural Idyll}, url = {https://frw.studenttheses.ub.rug.nl/32/}, abstract = {Organic farming has been on the rise in the European Union, as a reaction to modern, conventional farming. Certain countryside elements, such as traditionalism, friendliness, health, and safety embody the rural idyll. This thesis tests the Dutch perception of organic farming through both the participants? knowledge of organic farming and the images of organic farming. Based on statistical methods it can firstly, be concluded that educational attainment and buying organic products play a significant role in the knowledge people have about organic farming. Additionally, increased spending and increased knowledge correlate. Secondly, overall, participants rated organic farming positively in relation to characteristics of the rural idyll. In particular, friendliness (towards both the environment and animals) received high scores.} }