eprintid: 3220 rev_number: 6 eprint_status: archive userid: 1 dir: disk0/00/00/32/20 datestamp: 2020-07-08 10:57:47 lastmod: 2020-07-08 10:59:52 status_changed: 2020-07-08 10:57:47 type: thesis metadata_visibility: show sword_depositor: 1 creators_name: Balen, Thomas, T.H. van creators_id: S2764563 creators_email: t.h.van.balen@student.rug.nl title: Regional Innovation Systems for Water Technology ispublished: unpub full_text_status: public abstract: Report on model, experiences, best practices and financing regional economic policy on water technology from around the European Union. Including the role of regions in development and the operation of innovation systems and demo sites. date: 2020 pages: 89 thesis_type: master degree_programme: EG tutors_name: Edzes, A.J.E. tutors_name: Koster, S. tutors_organization: Fac. Ruimtelijke wetenschappen, Basiseenheid Economische Geografie tutors_organization: Fac. Ruimtelijke wetenschappen, Basiseenheid Economische Geografie tutors_email: A.J.E.Edzes@rug.nl tutors_email: Sierdjan.Koster@rug.nl security: validuser keywords_local: innovation systems keywords_local: water technology keywords_local: economic policy language_iso: en agreed_repository: yes date_issued: 2020-07-07 citation: Balen, Thomas, T.H. van (2020) Regional Innovation Systems for Water Technology. Master thesis. document_url: https://frw.studenttheses.ub.rug.nl/3220/1/Masterthesis%20Thomas%20van%20Balen%20s2764563%20.pdf