eprintid: 3326 rev_number: 5 eprint_status: archive userid: 1 dir: disk0/00/00/33/26 datestamp: 2020-08-25 09:50:16 lastmod: 2020-08-25 09:50:16 status_changed: 2020-08-25 09:50:16 type: thesis metadata_visibility: show sword_depositor: 1 creators_name: Batterink, Henri creators_id: S2768011 creators_email: h_batterink@outlook.com title: Infrastructural & spatial integration of freight and logistics within the Metropole Region Utrecht (MRU) - Lessons from applying the EU Horizon 2020 Vital Nodes approach to the Metropole Region Utrecht (MRU) ispublished: unpub full_text_status: public abstract: The impacts of freight and logistics on urban areas is often considered an underexposed theme among planners. This study aims to address the impacts of freight and logistics by applying the ‘Vital Nodes approach’ in the Metropole Region Utrecht (MRU). The Vital Nodes approach is based on infrastructural & spatial integration of freight and logistics in urban areas while connecting different geographical scales of transportation. To this end, a document analysis, interviews, a case study and a focus group have been conducted to reveal insights and policy directions for sustainable integration of freight and logistics in the MRU. The findings show the need for improvement of coordination and collaboration between governmental authorities and the private (logistics) sector on regional scale. Furthermore, an alternative transportation ‘chain’ by means of clustered functions, multimodal solutions and hubs may be a necessity for future sustainable logistics. To this end, appointing a ‘logistics agency’ for U-Ned and the need for a, so-called, ‘hub provider’ may be concrete examples of implementation strategies. In essence, application of the Vital Nodes approach within the MRU shows that the realisation of an effective transport chain is only possible if the effects of different scale levels are taken into account. Acknowledgement of each other’s roles and responsibilities in the transportation chain appeared to be important as well. Moreover, identification of one common objective, creates opportunities for a long-lasting collaboration and added value for actors involved. In this sense, perspective will be created for actors involved even if added value will not pay-off immediately. Building a coalition within U-Ned with the focus on integration of logistics may be a suggestion for further research. date: 2020 pages: 78 thesis_type: master degree_programme: EIP tutors_name: Arts, E.J.M.M. tutors_organization: Fac. Ruimtelijke wetenschappen, Basiseenheid Planologie tutors_email: Jos.Arts@rug.nl security: validuser keywords_local: Freight keywords_local: Logistics keywords_local: Spatial and infrastructural integration keywords_local: Urban nodes keywords_local: Sustainable mobility keywords_local: Multimodality language_iso: en agreed_repository: yes date_issued: 2020-08-19 citation: Batterink, Henri (2020) Infrastructural & spatial integration of freight and logistics within the Metropole Region Utrecht (MRU) - Lessons from applying the EU Horizon 2020 Vital Nodes approach to the Metropole Region Utrecht (MRU). Master thesis. document_url: https://frw.studenttheses.ub.rug.nl/3326/1/Henri%20batterink%20MScThesis%20VitalNodesMRU_Final.docx.pdf