%A Alard J. Bos %T The influence of PPP project design on successful outcomes of solar park projects in the Netherlands %D 2020 %X Since the last decade, energy transition has gained increased attention. The Environmental Policy Plan 2001 marked the start of the Dutch energy transition. Part of this plan includes the implementation of sustainable energy projects, such as solar and wind parks. Due to the delegation of responsibilities to regional authorities in, municipalities and provincial bodies are responsible for a well-managed implementation process in the Netherlands. The regional and local public bodies governing spatial sustainable energy projects depend on collaboration efforts of private parties. This dependency leads to various forms of cooperation between public and private parties, defined as public- private partnership (PPP). Traditionally, the private party within a PPP is a commercial party, such as a project developer. Since the last decades energy cooperatives developed themselves as serious partners for public parties within the development of energy transition projects. As a result, government bodies can cooperate with both a project developer or an energy cooperative in the development and realisation of sustainable energy projects (Salverda et al., 2012). How PPP projects are successfully implemented is frequently researched in the scientific literature (Al-Saadi & Abdou, 2016; Verweij, 2015). Here, PPP form, PPP management style and the project complexity are presented as important factors towards a successful outcome of the PPP project. However, mainly PPP projects with a PPP composition, with a project developer as a private party, are investigated. This study investigates PPP solar park projects with a PPP compositions, with a project developer or an energy cooperative as private party, towards successful outcome. This research answers the following research question: ‘How can a PPP be designed to successfully implement solar parks in the Netherlands?’ To answer this question, four factors of a PPP design were examined: PPP form, PPP management style, PPP complexity and PPP composition. A qualitative method consisting of comparative case studies was performed to gather qualitative data. This included a combination of a document research and semi-structured interviews based on four PPP solar park projects: Solar park Budel, Solar park De Vlaas, Solar park Waalre and Solar park Welschap. Both document research and semi-structured interviews reveal that all PPP projects investigated used different PPP designs towards a successful implemented PPP solar park project. The results also indicated that both the complexity of the PPP solar park project and the PPP composition of a PPP project affect the used PPP form- PPP management style combination. Cases with a project developer as private party within the PPP focused more on a contract PPP form-PPP management style combination, while cases with an energy cooperative as private party focused more on a PPP partnership- PPP process management combination. Prior literature does not sufficiently addresses the interaction effects between PPP composition on the one hand, and the PPP form and PPP management style on the other hand. By elaborating on this interaction effect on the successful outcome, the present study contributes to PPP design research. %L theses_frw3328