%0 Thesis %9 Pre-master %A Hempen, M. %D 2019 %F theses_frw:333 %T Locals' Sense of Texel %U https://frw.studenttheses.ub.rug.nl/333/ %X A study into the influence of tourism on the sense of place of the Texel Islanders. Some Islanders struggle how Texel can maintain its identity while attracting 1.2 million tourists every year. Research is conducted into the locals’ sense of place and if the rising tourism has an influence on their sense of place over the years. Participants identify their island through the diverse core competencies such as nature combined with quietness and solidarity. The economy is highly dependent on the tourism industry, and participants are aware that Texel would not be Texel as it is nowadays with all the facilities without tourism. The rising tourism has been embraced to this day but the tourist numbers should not rise anymore. Thus, a balance should be found between a proper social-economic development desired by locals and preservation of the natural and cultural authentic characteristics of Texel.