@unpublished{theses_frw3357, year = {2020}, title = {The Dutch brain drain: a three-case policy comparison and media analysis}, author = {A Honingh}, url = {https://frw.studenttheses.ub.rug.nl/3357/}, abstract = {Peripheral university towns in the Netherlands face a challenge: their graduates are moving away whilst there is a shortage on their labour markets: this is the brain drain. Talents is draining to the Randstad, often in search of better job prospects. Students and recent graduates hold a lot of human capital, which makes them more mobile and more attractive to companies. This study aims to identify the policies of Groningen, Enschede and Maastricht (three peripheral university towns) on reducing this migration of graduates. It takes a look at how well these policies are targeting the factors, such as family ties, migration background and professional aspirations, that drive this migration. All three policies mention struggling with their town image, which is often perceived as boring and lacks potential. The media describes the brain drain as problematic, as well as a harmful prejudice that these peripheries are boring and hold limited possibilities. Due to this these areas cannot shake their image and fail in retaining their graduates, leading to issues in their local economies. The media analysis confirms this issue and pose interesting solutions.} }