%T Retail Resilience to The Emergence of E-commerce %A Sally Indah Nurdyawati %L theses_frw3368 %D 2020 %X The emergence of e-commerce has changed the future of shopping to be more exciting and uncertain than ever. The rapid growth of e-commerce offers flexibility and efficiency to shopping experience, however retail centres are struggling to run their business. The latter leads to the decline in functionality of existing retail centres in the city. This study aims to assess the position of retail centres in Bandung city in the adaptive cycle framework and explore how the retail centres can adapt to the emergence of e-commerce. The research question is defined as follows: Which spatial configuration of retail centre can enable adaptation to the emergence of e-commerce in Bandung City? This case study compares the retail resilience of three different types of retail areas by conducting semi-structured interviews and observations. Three main findings are drawn to answer the research questions. Firstly, the three retail centres can each be positioned in a different phase in adaptive cycle framework. The retail centres of Alun-Alun Bandung have the highest resilience among the others. The case of three retail centres in Bandung shows that the combination of both retail and non-retail activity is needed, walkable retail centres, and the availability of parking spaces are also needed. Therefore, the accessibility, public space, streetscape, and the existence of other services are essential to keep retail centres adaptive. Secondly, e-commerce can be complementary store and increase the amount of selling, broaden the geographical scope of the customer, give efficiency, reduce the rent of physical store. However, it can increase the competition of price. Thirdly, retail strategies that can be applied by retailers is to adapt and utilise e-commerce to complement the existing offline store while also keep their offline store attractive. Regards to planning practice, planners and governments have to set an essential policy and increasing its robustness in order to prepare the trigger response happening in the future because even the small changes can have a significant impact on society and planning. A challenge of planning theory should be finding ways that contribute to making these retail areas attractive and vital.