@unpublished{theses_frw3385, year = {2020}, title = {Goth Fans: ''Coming Home'' to Leipzig}, author = {Denise Rozeboom}, url = {https://frw.studenttheses.ub.rug.nl/3385/}, abstract = {This research aims to understand how goth fans experience the Wave-Gotik-Treffen (WGT) within a world with growing control of the tourist industry and pressure of the mainstream. The WGT is the world?s largest goth festival and attracts around twenty thousand visitors each year. To be able to understand how commodification processes influence the WGT experience of goth fans, a qualitative research method is used. This research is based on 11 in-depth interviews and nine chat conversations with goth fans who have visit WGT. It is argued that due to various processes and changes in today? society, place may become more or less important for the goth community. For most of the respondents, the WGT is viewed as an importance place to come together. On the other hand, the WGT could also be relocated because the social aspect of the WGT seems to be most important for the goth fans. Relating to commodification, the concept of Carnival is used to explain the changes at the WGT which influence the experience by goth fans. However, WGT helps to keep alive what matters to goth fans, to be able to socialize, express identity, listen to music and have fun.} }