%T Socio-Spatial designs and Sense of Community %A D.M. Hartman %L theses_frw3403 %D 2021 %X The objective of this research is to unravel the impact of residential spatial design on sense of community in streets and housing blocks where the population is mixed: both students and non-students. In this research, social interactions serve as a mediating variable between spatial design elements and sense of community and semi-private spaces and heights have been chosen as the spatial design elements. A multiple comparative case-study has been applied as a research strategy. Three types of housing have been chosen: a gallery flat, a portico flat and terraced houses. A survey has been conducted among the residents of the three housing types, and a total of thirteen interviews have been conducted. This research shows that spatial design has a facilitative role in fostering sense of community. On the one hand, the potential of semi-private spaces and heights to facilitate social interaction comes into its own under certain conditions. Policy makers and housing associations could consider these conditions when planning a new residential area with a mixed population. On the other hand, human (spatial) behavior proves to be an important factor in the success or failure of semi-private spaces and heights to stimulate contact. In addition, contact between student and non-student residents is difficult to establish because they do not socially identify with each other.