%X In this research, there is looked at the different outcomes of developments of renewable energy. Thereby is looked at local initiatives and commercial set up projects and the difference in resistance. This to see what the determinants are of resistance in both cases and if it differs between the two projects. This research is based on two developments in Nijeveen and Wanneperveen, 2 villages in the northeast of the Netherlands, which are very similar. Through the use of interviews with the stakeholders in the area there is found that due to different policies, different types of projects have occurred. The fact that national park Weerribben-Wieden is located next to the village of Wanneperveen and no environmental developments are placed yet in Nijeveen shows that there is more resistance in Wanneperveen. This has led to the conclusion that further research must be done on the topic in the future. %D 2021 %A Martijn Hoekman %T Why are renewable energy projects receiving resistance in the time of climate change? A study on renewable energy and the resistance that it gets from communities in Nijeveen and Wanneperveen %L theses_frw3426