eprintid: 344 rev_number: 1 eprint_status: archive userid: 1 dir: disk0/00/00/03/44 datestamp: 2020-04-23 05:15:22 lastmod: 2020-04-23 05:15:22 status_changed: 2020-04-23 05:15:22 type: thesis metadata_visibility: show creators_name: Sijbrandij, J. title: Urban waterfront assesment: case study of the Spree river in Berlin ispublished: pub full_text_status: public abstract: The (re)development of the waterfront of the Spree river in Berlin started later if it is compared with other major waterfronts in Western Europe and did not result in a sustainable waterfront yet.A questionnaire with one hundred inhabitants helped to find out in which way waterfront (re)development is executed in Berlin, to know opinions of inhabitants about this (re)development and find out if inhabitants are attracted to the waterfront and in which way inhabitants want to use the waterfront of the Spree. The questionnaire showed that there a still a few aspects of the waterfront of the Spree the local government needs to improve, like creating more public access to the waterfront in the neighbourhoods and all over Berlin, integrate the public in the planning process and value the mixed-use principle. date: 2017 date_type: published thesis_type: bachelor degree_programme: TP tutors_name: Steen, P.M.J. keywords_local: Berlin keywords_local: Spree keywords_local: Redevelopment keywords_local: Waterfront keywords_local: Sustainable language_iso: en titleorder: Urban waterfront assesment: case study of the Spree river in Berlin dbi: 59898124428cc imported_item: yes date_of_import: 2020-04-22 imported_from: http://scripties.frw.eldoc.ub.rug.nl/root/ba/TP/2017/jsijbrandij/ import_source_file: theses-frw-20200422132455-59898124428cc.xml date_issued: 2017-01-01 citation: Sijbrandij, J. (2017) Urban waterfront assesment: case study of the Spree river in Berlin. Bachelor thesis. document_url: https://frw.studenttheses.ub.rug.nl/344/1/Bachelor_Thesis_-_Assignment_7_1.docx