@unpublished{theses_frw3444, title = {Moving towards a post-car society: The influence of street surface distributions on the choice of transportation mode.}, year = {2021}, author = {Leon Schoenmaker}, url = {https://frw.studenttheses.ub.rug.nl/3444/}, abstract = {This paper examines the interaction of the modal split and the street surface distribution in 3 Dutch provinces. Furthermore, the space occupied by public car parking is analyzed and put in perspective as this space is a valuable part of the urban environment. This analysis attempts, by using a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) analysis, to isolate the impact of the street space distribution on the modal split. By layering maps with different characteristics, specific parts of street surfaces are selected to analyze what a street surface split looks like of these provinces. Through comparing literature on this topic to the results of the GIS analysis, an indication of the influence of street surface on the actual choice in transportation mode is created. The mode choice of a population is complicated by many factors such as accessibility of modes, income variance, prices, preferences and habits. The results imply that the share of the street surface distribution is a relative representation of the modal split share of the same mode of transportation. This can be assumed because some noticeable statistics in the surface distributions are visible in the modal splits.} }