%X A bar can be experienced in multiple different ways by visitors. It can be seen as a healthy place, a relaxing spot, or a meeting place for work related affairs. Multiple studies have already been looking into the healthiness of drinking alcoholic beverages and relating them to social events. None of them however has researched how a bar might be seen as a place where people can get energy from or feel safe. Shortly said, a therapeutic landscape. This study tries to lay the connection between a place that is regularly seen as unhealthy and the perceived health that this place might give to people. Within this research, questionnaire data has been compared with responses from an interview with a bartender to see whether there has been any correlation between how they perceive the healthiness of a bar. This data has been analyzed by performing a chi-square test and a multinomial logistic regression. Both of these tests have given no significant results. They contradict however with the responses that came from the interview. Therefore, it is hard to draw a strong conclusion, but a preliminary conclusion can be drawn. There is no direct relationship in how healthy people perceive a bar within the concept of therapeutic landscapes, compared to the researched variables. %D 2020 %T The healthy side of a bar %L theses_frw3473 %A H. Hoenink