@unpublished{theses_frw3482, year = {2021}, author = {S Dieben}, title = {Water footprints in a changing climate}, url = {https://frw.studenttheses.ub.rug.nl/3482/}, abstract = {The WF is defined as the total volume of freshwater that is directly or indirectly used to produce a product or service. Although the WF is a relatively new concept, there is a growing interest in the concept of the WF and increased awareness of consumers their impact on freshwater resources. The objective of this study is to identify how awareness of the WF influences consumers in Groningen their willingness to reduce the WF. A literature review was combined with a survey, which was shared amongst consumers in Groningen. Even though consumers in Groningen are aware of their WF, there is a need for more information on sustainable practices and the WF. One of the methods that can be implemented to raise awareness and enhance sustainable practices is product transparency. This has a positive influence on the choice of consumers, as a significant amount would choose a more sustainable product when the WF of products is shown. Additionally, the results of the research show that consumers who think certain lifestyle changes would help in reducing the WF are also more willing to adopt these lifestyle changes. This especially holds for lifestyle changes that have a direct impact on the daily life of consumers. Based on the findings of this study, it is concluded that consumers their willingness to reduce their WF is positively influenced, when there is an increased awareness of the WF. The most important limitation of this research isthat it misses contextualization. Future research should include a wider range of aspects of the WF, to gain a better understanding of why and how it should be reduced. The main strength of the research is that it shows the value of increased awareness of the WF, as it improves sustainable water consumption and thus reduces the WF} }