%A Daphne Dontje %T Sustainable Development in Funeral Practices %L theses_frw3488 %X The importance of sustainable development is recognised in fields related to human geography and planning. This is the case for the funeral branch as well. However, we do not understand the way stakeholders influence the process towards sustainable funeral practices. The purpose of this research is to create an understanding of the extent stakeholder involvement can contribute to sustainable development when it comes to funeral practices in the Netherlands. This question was answered by conducting five semi-structured personal interviews with various stakeholders in the field. The results show that the general public is the most important stakeholder, however, the general public does not have the information to demand change in the funeral branch. Currently, there are players, mostly the nature burial organisations, that are trying to include the general public and inform them on more environment-friendly options. Stakeholder participation flows from the funeral branch to the general public and does not tend to happen internally because of the highly competitive environment within the branch. If the general public can be included, there will probably be an increased appreciation for sustainable and environment-friendly practices in the funeral branch. %D 2021