%T Settlement patterns of Hispanic migrants in California and Texas %A Else Lassche %L theses_frw3508 %D 2021 %X This thesis will look at the settlement patterns of Hispanic migrants in the states of California and Texas and the causes of these patterns. To see what patterns there are GIS analyses will be done alongside a literature review to look for an explanation of the observed patterns. Based on the resulting maps the border areas, mainly the southern ones, are favoured by Hispanic migrants and based on the literature this is due to social connections. These are social networks, social capital, and social identity. The three mentioned elements can make migration easier on people by providing a support network for the migrant which can give housing and help in finding a job. Apart from these three the links between place and race and ethnicity also play a role in where people settle. Overall the settlement patterns of Hispanic migrants is the same as the settlement pattern of Hispanic people born in the US.