%A Julian Freriks %T The Social-Cultural Impacts of a Festival and the Development of Regional Identity: A Case Study of the Zwarte Cross %L theses_frw3525 %X Festivals are incubators for collective identities and place-bound connections. In order to ensure long-term viability of a festival, the organizers have to be aware of the social-cultural impacts they produce on the host community. This research applies qualitative methods in order to add greater methodological diversity to the predominantly quantitative existing body of research on social-cultural impacts. This thesis investigates the social-cultural impacts of the Zwarte Cross festival on the identity of its host community, the Achterhoek region in the Netherlands. This research aims to grasp social-cultural impacts through social capital theory. A triangulation of the research methods observation, semi-structured interviews and documentary analysis has been conducted in order to answer the main research question. The findings indicated positive social-cultural impacts that contributed to the diversity and pride of the region. %D 2021