%D 2019 %X In this research, through in-depth semi-structured interviews with practitioners of the pre-tendering phase, insight is provided into how much institutional space contractors of the infrastructure construction industry have for communication with clients during the pre-tendering phase, and how they can utilize this space optimally. The main conclusions of this research are that firstly, clients often do not wish to exploit the full opportunities that the formal institutions allow due to risk avoiding behaviour. Continuing, too often conflicts about additional work arise between clients and contractors during latter stages of construction projects, making clients less eager to communicate with contractors openly at earlier stages of projects. This is of course an impasse. Furthermore, contractors lack clear strategy and consistency for relationship management. This research therefore concludes that if contractors would communicate more openly, positively, and consistently with clients, they would also create more space for themselves to communicate with clients. %L theses_frw354 %A P. Schotsman %T RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT DURING THE PRE-TENDERING PHASE OF INFRASTRUCTURE CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS