%D 2021 %X At the end of the 20th century, climate change has pushed for a new paradigm in water management towards flood resilience. In this new paradigm for water management, three approaches are put central to enable integrative and effective water management. This goes hand in hand with the need for more responsive governments, which put focus on communication between all aspects of society. As Dutch regional water authorities carry the institutional responsibility to address long-term policy problems within water management, they are expected to play a key role in this shift. However, as these authorities have a history of centuries long water management based on the urge to control through technical expertise, they are still mainly focused on technical solutions. Although technical expertise remains important in the management of water quality, quantity, and safety, Dutch regional water authorities must adapt to balance their expertise role with the need to become more responsive governments to govern for climate change adaptation. The aim of this research is to study how Dutch regional water authorities deal with this dilemma by gaining insight in the repositioning of the regional water authority Noorderzijlvest. The analysis of this research shows that Noorderzijlvest is currently actively establishing its new position. Noorderzijlvest is on the right track, but improvements can be made. Based on this research, several recommendations for strengthening the institutional center of Noorderzijlvest are created, such as: elaborate and reflect on who Noorderzijlvest perceives as ‘partners’ in differing projects and the partner role Noorderzijlvest sees for itself, for example: Noorderzijlvest as an initiating partner, an executing water expert, or a policy partner. %T Guardian of Dutch regional water management: The reinvention of the expertise role of the Dutch regional water authority Noorderzijlvest to govern for climate change adaptation %L theses_frw3575 %A Elna Minderman